British Sign Language (BSL): Guide

Dani Sive (Headteacher Frank Barnes School) and Catherine Drew (Key Stage 1/2 Team Leader Frank Barnes School) | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

BSL Books

Family Signing Book

This book provides parents with the opportunity to learn basic signs and for deaf children to be involved in the process, by teaching their parents.  The book can be used by the whole family with the ultimate aim of deaf children being able to communicate better with their parents, relatives, siblings and friends, both at home and socially.



DeafBooks (inc. Co-Sign Communications and is an independent publisher of the LET'S SIGN SERIES of BSL materials for adults and children.  They provide a range of attractive educational materials in the field of deafness, special needs and baby signing.

Resources with sign graphics are available in a range of topics such as describing people, clothes, animals, questions and more.


Talk with Sign

Talk with Sign Ltd specialises in audio/visual media relating to Deafness and Deaf Culture.  They offer a collection of books, CD-ROMs and DVDs relating to Deafness and Deaf Culture.  All staff at the company have a minimum of level 1 BSL and have over 10 years experience in communicating with the Deaf community and BSL users.