Educational Audiology

Joy Rosenberg and Katy Mitchell | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Professional Opinions Survey

Educational audiology provides a vital link between health and education by supporting children with hearing loss in educational settings; as attested by McCormick RIchburg (2005) who surveyed education professionals in regards to minimal hearing loss and found results that ‘support the importance of an educational audiologist on the service delivery team to help teachers understand the ramifications… and assist in meeting the educational and psychosocial needs of students....’ 

‘Educational Audiologists greatly enhance the work of ENTs and clinical audiologists by bridging the gap between clinic, school and home; for babies, children and young people who are deaf. With the advent of integrated radio aid technology into personal hearing instruments and new quality standards for radio aids, along with the ongoing benefits of early identification, this joined-up working is becoming ever more essential.’  Rosenberg (2017) 

Findings from a 2017 Professional Opinions Survey of heads of services and practitioners regarding training needs and goals were presented at the 2017 BATOD conference in a session entitled Innovations in Bridging the Gap: Exploring training needs and outcomes in Educational and Clinical Audiology and Early Years Intervention.  Which was later cited in a Department for Education report The Future of the Sector by Brian Lamb in 2017.