Spelling Evidence How DO children learn to spell Identifying spelling problems Spelling - WHAT should we teach? Online spelling resources for teachers Intervention studies that improve spelling |
Five main categories of spelling errorsOmission, Insertion, Substitution, Transposition and Grapheme substitution Author: Greg Brooks, Emeritus Professor of Education, University of Sheffield Note: Some use is made of phonetic symbols enclosed in forward slashes, e.g. /ə/, which are explained when first used (/ə/ represents the schwa vowel, the first phoneme in about and the last in butter). For more detail on phonetic symbols see Burton (2011). Example words and errors are shown in italics, and graphemes within angle brackets, e.g. <or>. The five main categories
A first-level count of the errors in a text or on a test within these five categories will reveal the principal tendencies. For an example based on errors on a spelling test used with adult literacy learners see Burton et al. (2010: 23-25). |