Strength of Evidence Transferability Editor's Comments |
Examples of databasesIn addition to using Google Scholar, you may consider accessing education databases. Some examples of useful education databases are: BEI – the British Education Index is another free database that searches journal articles and papers, and provides a useful summary (www.leeds.ac.uk/bei) BERTiE - a semantic search environment which is currently being developed by Bath Spa Institute for Education . This will enable researchers not only to find information quickly and effectively but also to find connections and links between data. (http://www.bathspa.ac.uk/bertie) EBSCO, INGENTA, JSTOR and ERA – these are databases of journal articles which if you are working with a University you may be able to get access to through their subscription and are usually accessed via the library portal. EDNA - Education Network Australia is also a free database, including a range of different types of sources (https://www.nla.gov.au/pathways/jnls/newsite/view/456.html) ERIC – this is a free database developed by the US government, which searches journal articles and reports, also it provides useful summaries of the sources located (www.eric.ed.gov) Zetoc - a comprehensive research database that can be used to set up email alerts when a new article is published containing particular keywords or published by certain authors. If your University subscribes to Zetoc it can be accessed using your Athens username and password and is located at: http://zetoc.mimas.ac.uk/ |