Application of ideas: Developing useful research questionsUse the checklist for developing useful research questions to help you
analyse question below to make it into a useful research question:
Identify a clear and specific focus
Be specific in your use of terminology
Develop operational definitions
Avoid bias and assumptions
Think out wording for questions carefully
Do children work better if they plan their own investigations?
Possible analysis points:
Criteria for a good research question
Analysis of the research question:
Clear and specific focus
To make the question less broad focus on a particular curriculum area e.g. science or mathematics
Specific use of terminology: operational definitions
Define ‘investigation’ to ensure that specific criteria are identified to classify an activity as an investigation
Avoiding bias and assumptions
‘work better’ implies that the researcher believes that enabling children to plan their own investigations will have a positive impact – develop more neutral wording
Carefully thought out wording
‘work better’ is ambiguous and needs to be clarified
Possible reworked questions:
What is the impact on levels of motivation of enabling children to plan their own investigations in science?
How does allowing children to plan their own investigations in science affect engagement in the learning process?