HistoryBrian Lamb (2009), in his inquiry comissioned by the English Department for Education Special educational needs and parental confidence recommended the creation of the Achievement for All programme. His core recommendations are embodied by the Achievement for All programme. Between 2009-2011 the Department for Education (England) funded a pilot of Achievement for All in 454 schools across 10 local authorities in England. The pilot, involving 28,000 pupils, was the largest of its kind in Europe. Findings showed that pupils in Achievement for All schools with SEN made more progress in English and Maths than pupils nationally (Humphrey and Squires, 2011). In 2011, the charity "Achievement for All 3As was established by Professor Sonia Blandford. The national roll out of the Achievement for All programme, to all schools in England- primary, secondary, and special schools and pupil referral units (a unit maintained by the local authority for the education of pupils excluded from school or those who cannot attend school because of ill health) - started in September 2011 by Achievement for All 3As. 'Support and Aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability' (DfE, 2011), the SEND Green Paper acknowledged 'Achievement for All' as an effective means of enabling children with SEND to achieve ‘better educational outcomes and accelerated progress’. The response to the Green Paper - Support and Aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability – progress and next steps (DfE, 2012) recommended the national roll-out of the Achievement for All programme ‘to ensure schools have access to what works well’. In 2013 Achievement for All was extended to include looked after children and those receiving free school meals. Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 0-25 (Department of Health /Department for Education) reflects the key features of the Achievement for All approach 2014: “Many aspects of this whole school approach have been piloted by Achievement for All’ (6.4). And: ‘Many aspects of the approach set out in Chapter six draw on learning from the piloting and subsequent work of Achievement for All. '(SEND Code of Practice, 0-25, 2014) Lamb, B (2009) Lamb Inquiry: Special educational needs and parental confidence, |