Whole School Approach: Achievement for All
EvidenceIn 2013/2014 123,852 children and young people benefitted directly from the work of Achievement for All. A further one million pupils in schools working in partnership with Achievement for All have seen improved practice (verified by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2014). Achievement for All has worked with approximately.4000 settings in England across the age range 2-19 years. Identified pupils at schools working in partnership with Achievement for All make more progress than all pupils nationally. For the school year 2013/2014: Primary school target pupils made 4.4 APS per year across reading, writing and maths. This compares to 2013 RAISE Online* data for all pupils which shows an average of 3.6 APS per year. * RAISE online is web-based tool developed by the Department for Education (England) which provides schools with data on progress, attainment , absence, exclusions and characteristics of pupils. Schools can compare their data to the national average. PricewaterhouseCoopers (2015) The Achievement for All programme, Social Impact Assessment. Humphrey, N. and Squires, G. (2011) Achievement for All National Evaluation: Final Report, London: DfE. Achievement for All (2017) Achieving Early: Pilot Evaluation, Newbury :Achievement for All |