Whole School Approach: Achievement for All

Professor Sonia Blandford | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Curriculum, pedagogy and Interventions

The particular focus of the Achievement for All programme enables teachers to take a sharper focus on the development of appropriate curriculum, pedagogical approaches and the use of appropriate interventions (if they are needed). The Achievement for All programme promotes and encourages quality teaching, with a consideration on target setting (with parents) and close monitoring of pupil progress.

Teachers say that the programme has enabled them to re-focus and hone their practice. Evidence can also be found through evaluations and case studies:



Blandford, S. and Knowles, C. (2015) Talking with young children: how professional development can improve children’s speech and language, thinking and learning, Professional Development Today, issue 17, 4.


Using appropriate interventions - see Brooks, G (2013) what works for children and young people with Literacy difficulties- available at: http://www.interventionsforliteracy.org.uk/widgets_GregBrooks/What_works_for_children_fourth_ed.pdf