Partnerships and national projects (2013/2011)The Achievement for All project has established links and collaboration with the following projects and organisations: Anti –Bullying (working in partnership with the Anti-Bullying Alliance, the Council for Disabled children and Contact a Family, funded by the Department for Education, Achievement for All has been delivering the Anti-Bullying programme for senior leaders) Achievement for All in partnership with Tute has developed an online platform available to all partners to support individual and group learning and training. BT Barefoot (Barefoot in partnership with Achievement for All ran 800 computing to support primary school teachers in the computing curriculum) Closing the Gap (Achievement for All was one of 6 programmes nominated by the National College of Teaching and Learning to be involved in the Closing the Gap initiative - for children and young people from low income backgrounds) Disability Matters (Funded by the Department of Health, Achievement for All contributed to a suite of modules for the Disability Matters online programme developed by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) I CAN, the children’s communication charity (development of a tailored module for schools) London Fostering Achievement (a programme to raise the educational aspirations of fostered children in London. Led by the fostering Network in partnership with Achievement for All working closely with Virtual School Heads in nine London Boroughs) National Professional Qualification for Headship and the National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (Achievement for All is supporting delivery of the NPQML elective module - Effective Leadership of SEN Provision’ and the NPQH elective module - Leading Inclusion Achievement for All) National Orchestra for All (As the founding organisation, Achievement for All continues to support the orchestra) Northamptonshire Pupil Premium (in partnership with the LA, an evaluation of the pupil premium intervention across 20 schools) Place2Be psychological and emotional well-being (Achievement for All in partnership with Place2Be is trialling an approach to improve psychological and emotional well-being outcomes and academic progress of children with SEN, disabilities and other health needs) Pupil Premium Practice (Achievement for All offers schools intensive professional scrutiny of Pupil Premium funding) Response to Intervention: Primary and Secondary Transition (Achievement for All partnered with CUREE to deliver the focussed programme in the initial intervention schools in 2012/2013 and subsequently in with the control school in 2013/2014. Evidence from the schools was sufficiently promising for the evaluator to recommend a further trail over a longer timescale. The RTI approach is now embedded in the Achievement for All schools programme) Skoolbo (This is a set of online resources for teaching maths and reading skills.. Achievement for All is supporting the implementation of the game in partner schools) Teaching Assistants (Partnership with MENCAP and MITA on a project to improve the way teaching assistants are used effectively in schools) Teaching Leaders (Four year project funded by the National College for Teaching and Leadership focusing on Middle Leadership in primary schools) University Learning in Schools (Partnership between Achievement for All, Lampton School, Haderdashers Askes Federation and The Brilliant Club, funded by the Department for Education and the Greater London local authority. Based on the Brilliant Club model of partnering outstanding PhD researchers with teachers in 40 schools) Youth Sport Trust (The Youth sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to changing young people’s lives through sport. Achievement for All has shared training and information with colleagues in all partner schools) |