Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) - radio aids and proprietary remote microphone systems - optimising listening opportunities

Revised version: Contributions by members of the ALTWG (Stuart Whyte, Brian Copsey, James Mander) including Educational Audiologists from the professional associations; British Association of Educational Audiologists (BAEA) (Claire Bateson, Anne Bailey) and BATOD (Teresa Quail). | View as single page | Feedback/Impact


The equipment is getting smaller and easier to lose, discuss with your provider about replacements and insurance.  As receivers are often installed into hearing devices they are also lost if the hearing device is lost which can have a financial implication. However, this should not be a barrier to fitting and use.

The NDCS issued a Position Statement in 2018, entitled ‘Charging and insurance to cover the cost of replacing or repairing of all hearing and listening equipment provided by NHS and local authorities’.

Some insurance providers are experienced with assistive listening technology eg Aspen Associates' Insurance.