Early support for deaf children

Online Community

There are various online forums for Teachers of the Deaf and parents of deaf children, in the UK and other parts of the world.  BATOD manages an email forum.

You are welcome to join the online community here https://khub.net/group/open-door-teachers-of-the-deaf to keep in touch.

Editor’s comments

Deafness affects babies' and children's access to equal opportunities all over the world.  We welcome literature and case studies that demonstrate what works in early intervention.

Areas of Further Research

Paediatric deafness would benefit from further research into outcomes for deaf children with additional needs, outcomes for deaf children with specific aetiologies such as CMV, ANSD and Charge and outcomes for children using ABIs


The collected information and advice is intended to promote effective early intervention for deaf children whatever their chosen communication approach.

Strength of Evidence

We have provided evidence for the information collated above with a full reference list including research published in peer reviewed journals.

Support and provision

The Quality Standards: Early years support for children with a hearing loss aged 0 to 5 (England) sets out what good support and provision should be.

Young person perspective

Child with additional needs


ABI: Auditory Brainstem Implant - an ABI stimulates the auditory brainstem directly, bypassing the ear and auditory nerve, to provide a sensation of hearing.

ACE: Assessment of Comprehension and Expression

ANSD: Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder, a problem in the transmission of sound from the ear's innermost part (the inner ear) to the brain.

AVUK: Auditory Verbal UK is a national charity which provides Auditory Verbal therapy for families of deaf children aged 0-5 years.

Child using cued speech


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