Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in Children

British Society of Audiology guidance

The British Society of Audiology’s (BSA) APD Position Statements and Guidance documents (2011, 2018) are available on the BSA website.

CLICK HERE to access these documents


An evidence-based approach to intervention is important ensure that a child receives appropriate intervention.  The importance of evidence-based management is discussed.  This is then followed by discussion of the 4 main intervention strategies that can be considered: (1) Architectural considerations and acoustic environmental modifications, (2) Technology (sound field systems, assistive listening devices/remote microphone technology, noise-cancelling headphones and standard headphones), (3) Auditory training programmes, computer software and apps, and (4) Compensatory


APD assessment is a complex and controversial area.  There is no gold standard for the tests that should be included in the test battery, or the diagnostic criteria that should be used.  This makes APD a challenging area for all involved.  This section provides an overview of APD assessment and recommendations, based on current research evidence.


This section outlines the importance of a multi- or interdisciplinary approach, lists the presenting difficulties typically found in children with suspected APD and gives tips for recognising and excluding ‘look-alikes’.


This section provides a background to the topic and provides a definition of APD and an outline of the 3 types of APD.  There is a short 4-minute video by Prof David R. Moore (one of the co-authors of this MESHGuide) who explains how ‘bottom up’ and ‘top down’ processes work together in auditory processing.  Finally, a snapshot of the controversy surrounding APD is provided.


Position statements and guidance documents from around the world are provided in this section.  This offers the reader access to views from across the globe and the backdrop against which to understand both the complexity and controversy surrounding APD.  There is also a handouts section with useful tips and practical information.

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in Children: Guide

This MESHGuide has been designed to provide an evidence-based overview of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in children.  It offers a snapshot of the history of APD, how APD is defined, the different types of APD, how APD presents, the importance of a multi- or interdisciplinary approach, how to assess APD and finally practical guidance for managing APD in the classroom, at home and in everyday life.


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