English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Teaching and Learning for pupils with English as an additional language Evidence Identifying the teaching context for EAL learners Developing language and literacy for EAL learners Resourcing the teaching of EAL learners |
Useful websitesThere are many other references to web - based materials within other sections of the guide. Those below are a selection of sites that have a range of resource materials and research-informed advice. Local Authorities and other associations Bracknell Forest EAL and Diversity Collaborative Learning Project The Talk Rich Teaching Project The Bell Foundation EAL guidance EAL in National Strategies archive Multiverse: a former government sponsored website whose resources are now available here. Scottish Association for EAL SATEAL Teaching English (British Council) Digital Education Resource Archive (English National Curriculum materials written for EAL learners before 2010 can be found archived at dera.ioe.ac.uk) |
Original guide sponsored by the University of Winchester, this revision sponsored by The University of Reading and Hampshire EMTAS.