
Pupils identified with special educational needs and disability (SEND) remain at a higher risk than other pupils from bullying in the playground, classroom and online.

Evidence has shown that in schools working in partnership with Achievement for all, there is an improvement in relationships across the school. Through the Achievement for All framework, schools can better focus on this issue.

In addition, Achievement for All, in partnership with the Anti-Bullying Alliance (a coalition of organisations, established in 2002), the Council for Disabled Children (the body for the disabled children’s sector in England, established 1974) and Contact a Family (organisation for supporting families with disabled children), is delivering an innovative and sustainable programme of work to safeguard children with SEND from bullying in schools.

The programme draws on existing and developing effective practice, and on expert advice to understand the distinct vulnerabilities of children with particular SEND to bullying.

It includes support for children with SEND to build independence, resilience, self-esteem and relationships with others, and work with the wider peer group to build empathic understanding of children with SEND.

The programme is designed to build capability and specialist skills in the teaching workforce and to develop leadership approaches to secure positive whole-school culture and processes in relation to anti-bullying.