Achievement for all

Whole School Approach: Achievement for All

Partnerships and national projects (2013/2011)

The Achievement for All project has established links and collaboration with the following projects and organisations:

Anti –Bullying (working in partnership with the Anti-Bullying Alliance, the Council for Disabled children and Contact a Family, funded by the Department for Education, Achievement for All has been delivering the Anti-Bullying programme for senior leaders)

Areas for further research


The DFE evaluation of AFA found that changes in outcomes varied as a function of a variety of factors at pupil level. Our quantitative analyses demonstrated that, generally speaking, pupils with stronger positive relationships, who attended school more regularly, and with higher levels of academic achievement at the beginning of 5 the AfA pilot experienced better outcomes. Pupils at more complex Special Educational Needs as recognised by the school generally experienced less improvement when compared to others, as did pupils eligible for Free School Meals.


Achievement for All aims to extend the impact of the programme across countries.
Achievement for All is currently working with schools in Wales, Norway, the USA and Latvia (2013/2014). The underlying principles of the Achievement for All framework enable adaptation of the programme for different contexts.

Extra- curricular activities

Evidence shows that children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and other vulnerable groups are less likely to access extra-curricular activities. Through the Achievement for All framework schools have both further developed extra-curricular provision and removed ‘barriers’ to entry. This has enabled pupils to participate and engage in the activities leading to an increase in self-esteem and confidence.


Pupils identified with special educational needs and disability (SEND) remain at a higher risk than other pupils from bullying in the playground, classroom and online.

Evidence has shown that in schools working in partnership with Achievement for all, there is an improvement in relationships across the school. Through the Achievement for All framework, schools can better focus on this issue.


Achievement for All works with schools to enable them to focus more closely on pupil behaviour for learning. This is addressed in the context of each school.

Evidence is found at:

Examples for practice:


Research shows that children with SEN and other disadvantaged learners are more likely to be absent from school than their more advantaged peers. Through the Achievement for All framework schools develop a particular focus on attendance - both directly and indirectly.   

Wider outcomes and opportunities

A focus on developing behaviours for attendance, learning and personal well-being, through both curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Structured conversations

Parent and carer engagement is developed through a series of three structured conversations per year. They take place between the parent/carer, teacher and where appropriate, the child. The particular open dialogue approach enables parents and carers to discuss their aspirations for their child their strengths and any concerns. They enable schools to focus on three things:

  • How best to contact parents and in some cases remove communication barriers;

  • How to align the structured conversations to target setting;


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