Research Methods: Considering Ethics in your research

Eira Patterson | View as single page | Feedback/Impact


Item 19 of the BERA (2011) Guidelines states that all researchers must ensure they comply with legal requirements in relation to working with school children or vulnerable young people and adults. The British Sociological Association Statement of Ethical Practice (2002) further states that ‘Researchers should have regard for issues of child protection and make provision for the potential disclosure of abuse’. More detailed guidance from Sheffield Hallam University suggests that, while there is no legal mandate to report child protection and safeguarding concerns, researchers should be alert to any risks identified, be aware of the reporting procedures in the organisation within which they are researching and should contribute to whatever actions are needed to promote the individual child’s safety and welfare.

Link to further resourceson safeguarding:

Sheffield Hallam University (undated) Safeguarding Children in Research Contexts
