Natural Aural Approach

Parent Child Interaction

Listening and Talking Skills

This Small Talk video demonstrates meaningful interaction  at various ages 0-5 years.

The Early Years MESHGuide has sections on listening and talking skills.

Working With Families

The Deaf Child and the Family

Families are central, as the child will be fully immersed in their home language and culture.  It is what babies are born into and is the start of becoming socially, culturally and linguistically immersed.

History of Natural Aural Approach

DELTA Deaf Education through Listening and Talking (formerly NAG National Aural Group) was set up by a group of Teachers of the Deaf who believed that deaf children could and did learn language naturally. This group then began to work with parents and families who wished their children to listen and talk.

Early Intervention


Early intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes.  It provides parents with resources, support and information.

Personal Stories

Handouts and Useful Websites

Essential Features of a Natural Aural Approach

The Natural Aural Approach understands the importance of childhood learning experiences within the family, the family’s community and culture and seeks to manage deafness in children in order for them to be able to enjoy, and benefit from all their opportunities.

There are two guiding principles which must be met:

Natural Aural Approach Explained

Natural Auralism draws on the innate ability of all children to learn language through listening to and experiencing language.  The opportunities provided by early identification of hearing loss and optimal amplification and early support packages for deaf babies and children mean that they too can use this ability to learn the language of their home and schools and communicate and learn effectively.


General Language Acquisition

Almost all children learn their first language smoothly and painlessly in the home situation rather than in the contrived learning environment of the school or clinic.  There is much research and literature that reports the process and makes clear the diversity of homes and yet their effectiveness in ensuring that children develop the skills they need to communicate and learn.  Researchers and authors such as David Crystal , Toni Cross and 


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