Early support for deaf children

Cued Speech


In the NDCS booklet, Communicating with your Deaf Child, the following explanation of Cued Speech is given.

Monitoring Protocol

Some countries, such as England and Wales, have developed their own materials and courses to ensure that early intervention takes account of best practice early support principles.  The Monitoring Protocol is an example of this.  The purpose of the Monitoring Protocol is to help families, and the professionals that support them, to monitor the progress of their children, to celebrate their children’s successes, to share this with others and to know what to do next.  It can be used with all deaf children, including those using manual forms of communication.


Each reference is numbered where it appears in the mESHGuide.

Use of signs

If a child has a hearing loss their parents may wish to communicate with them using a sign language. Sign languages are visual languages using the hands, face and body - they are different from spoken languages and have their own linguistic structure.  British Sign Language (BSL) is the language of the UK’s Deaf community, who often describe themselves as Deaf with a capital D to emphasise their deaf identity.

Child using sign language (BSL)

Here is a video showing a deaf child communicating with her mother, using BSL.

The NDCS Family Sign Language website demonstrates different communication styles in families using sign language.  This website also demonstrates some BSL vocabulary, and videos of parents sharing stories with their child etc.

It is necessary to activate Adobe flash to use this site.

Total Communication

In the NDCS booklet, Communicating with your Deaf Child, the following explanation of Total Communication is given:

Measurements and assessments

Below we list some of the assessments that are used with deaf children 0-5, to identify the stages the child is at, in order to help that child to make the appropriate progress.

General development


Historically, research has shown a gap in achievement between deaf children and their hearing peers.  Despite the huge developments in technological and other support available in the early years, this gap can be seen even by the age of five.   However, even within the data reported above there are children who are making appropriate progress and are achieving as well as their hearing peers.  It is important to consider why some children make more appropriate progress than others.

Hearing devices

There have been, and continue to be, significant advances in assistive hearing technologies, such as digital hearing aids, cochlear implants, hybrid or Electro-Acoustic Simulation instruments and other implantable devices.

For further information, see below:

Child with C


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