Natural Aural Approach: Guide

Sue Lewis, Alison Holmans and Cate Statham | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Natural Aural Approach and Schools

Basic tenets and challenges  for families and children using a Natural Aural Approach in schools.

Parent and Teacher perceptions.  

The Class Teacher and the Teacher of the Deaf have an essential role in working together to provide an effective and inclusive setting for the deaf child.

This will include   

● ensuring everyone involved with the child understands what the approach entails.

● ongoing monitoring and assessment of language, learning and listening skills.  Close tracking of development will ensure appropriate support and assist with setting SMART targets.

● opportunities for the child to access age appropriate linguistic models with the expectation that they will be included.

● strong audiological support that is appropriate, effective and consistent should be maintained throughout the child’s working day.

● initial and ongoing training to the child and school staff, from the Teacher of the Deaf, to ensure the child’s optimum access to and inclusion in the learning environment.  For example training will include:

       how to use and manage the child’s personal audiological equipment
       (e.g. hearing aids, BAHA, Cochlear Implants, Radio Aids and Soundfield systems) effectively

       how to ensure that the child’s language, learning and inclusion needs are met.