Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) - radio aids and proprietary remote microphone systems - optimising listening opportunities

Revised version: Contributions by members of the ALTWG (Stuart Whyte, Brian Copsey, James Mander) including Educational Audiologists from the professional associations; British Association of Educational Audiologists (BAEA) (Claire Bateson, Anne Bailey) and BATOD (Teresa Quail). | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Assistive Listening Technology Working Group

Assistive Listening Technology Working Group (ALTWG): Previously known as the UK Children’s Radio Aid Working Group, and prior to that as the FM Working Group.   This working group came into being in 2004 and is made up of professionals from Education, Health, Academia Charities and Manufacturers with specific interest in deaf children.  They meet online twice a year.  The Group’s principal aims are:

●      to promote the use of radio aid systems among children and young people

●      to promote the knowledge base about radio aids

●      to influence the policy framework for the provision of radio aids

●      to influence the quality and consistency of radio aid provision and practice

●      to raise awareness of the importance of a positive acoustic environment.

Assistive Listening Technology Working Group (ALTWG) is a useful website - the home of the Quality Standards and the Good Practice Guide for radio aids.