Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) - radio aids and proprietary remote microphone systems - optimising listening opportunities

Revised version: Contributions by members of the ALTWG (Stuart Whyte, Brian Copsey, James Mander) including Educational Audiologists from the professional associations; British Association of Educational Audiologists (BAEA) (Claire Bateson, Anne Bailey) and BATOD (Teresa Quail). | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Strength of evidence

There is collective research, knowledge and practice from ALTWG, BATOD, BAEA members, and others involved in deaf education, in the UK and throughout the world, showing the benefit of assistive listening technology.  Advances in technology have helped to overcome the problems of listening to speech in background noise and at a distance.  The evidence presented shows how this has improved the access to speech for deaf CYP.