Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) - radio aids and proprietary remote microphone systems - optimising listening opportunities

Revised version: Contributions by members of the ALTWG (Stuart Whyte, Brian Copsey, James Mander) including Educational Audiologists from the professional associations; British Association of Educational Audiologists (BAEA) (Claire Bateson, Anne Bailey) and BATOD (Teresa Quail). | View as single page | Feedback/Impact


Any deaf CYP should be considered a candidate for an assistive listening device.

The Quality Standards for the use of personal radio aids

Quality Standards 1 (QS1) states:

Every deaf child should be considered as a potential candidate for provision with a personal radio aid as part of their amplification package, at first hearing aid fitting.  This position requires that providers ask why a deaf child should not be considered as a potential candidate for a personal radio system, rather than which child should.  It also highlights the need for a close working relationship between health and education teams.  Some children who have normal hearing thresholds, and who don’t use hearing technology (for example, those with auditory processing difficulties), may also benefit from a personal radio aid. You should consider the following essential factors when determining a suitable candidate for a Radio Aid.

●      Recent research suggests that even very young children and reluctant hearing aid users can get significant benefits from using radio aids.

●      Children should be encouraged to understand the effect of distance on sound, and of localisation as part of their listening development whilst using radio aids.

●      Appropriate support and training are needed to ensure those in the child’s environment can support the best use of radio aid technology. Contexts for candidacy and other factors for consideration can be found in the Good Practice Guide for radio aids.’

In 2024, Cooper et al published research on ‘Understanding the sound environments of young children: potential implications for radio aid use’. The objectives of this study were to describe, analyse and compare the sound environments to which deaf and typically hearing children between 3 and 18 months are typically exposed, and identify issues to the development of guidelines for the use of radio aids in this age group. The use of assistive listening technology for very young children is a topic of debate within the UK professional community (audiologists, educational audiologists and QToDs). This study is a recommended read to inform decision making.

Using radio aids with preschool deaf children     

This is a study conducted by The Ear Foundation.  Twenty one families were recruited to explore the benefits and challenges of ALD use with a deaf child aged 4 years and under.  Findings provide strong evidence for the advantages of early fitting of ALD and support equitable access, consistent protocols and funding.

Ian Noon (NDCS) refers to this research in his article on Radio Aids in the Early Years, in the May 2018 BATOD Magazine. He also reports on the work of the NDCS to widen availability of radio aids in the early years.