Cambridge Mathematics

 For further activities and resources see:


Reading, Writing, Assessment

This mini-MESHGuide provides advice on assessment for learning in Mathematics  https://www.meshguides.org/guides/node/278

A MESHGuide focusing on Assessment will be published shortly. Just search the A-Z http://www.meshguides.org/guides/node/4

This mini-MESHGuide provides advice on reading and writing Mathematics  https://www.meshguides.org/guides/node/251



SABAQ - Pakistan

SABAQ (Pakistan) 

The SABAQ foundation is recommended by Professor Nabi Bux Jumani from the International Islamic University in Islamabad, a founder member of MESHGuides.

SABAQ hosts thousands of videos relevant to the curriculum in Pakistan across a wide range of subjects.

AIMSSEC - South Africa

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Schools Enrichment Centre (AIMSSEC) is a not-for-profit organisation providing professional development courses for mathematics teachers, subject advisers and field trainers in South Africa, introducing new mathematics teaching skills, improving subject knowledge and empowering teachers from disadvantaged rural and township communities

YouCubed - USA

YouCubed USA

This is an initiative of Professor Jo Boaler, Stanford University in the Graduate School of Education. The site is recommended by mathematics teachers contributing to this Guide. The purpose of YouCubed is “to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math into accessible and practical forms. We know from research how to teach math well and how to bring about high levels of student engagement and achievement but research has not previously been made accessible to teachers.”

Mastery and Cognitive load theories

Chris Such, a very experienced primary teacher references the links below as providing theory underpinning the work he explains in the “All children can achieve cell” in Column 5 Summaries and Case Studies: 

Numeracy for All Videos: Introduction


Series 0 NUMERACY FOR ALL VIDEO SERIES: Overview - teaching, learning, assessment

Examples of the MESH/VSO Numeracy for All videos for this topic are listed below. To play the video, click this  link to the MESHGuides YouTube playlist. If you subscribe to the playlist  you will receive alerts as more videos become available.

How to use this guide

The summaries of how to teach mathematics in column 5, provide basic information for you to teach the young people in your care. If you want to learn more, explore the information and links at your leisure to develop your knowledge and expertise. In Mathematics learning, a key role for a teacher is to encourage learners to develop their mathematical thinking and to find ways to help them overcome any barriers to learning key concepts that they have.

Who is this guide for?

This MESHGuide is designed for teachers, student teachers and parents and volunteers in emergency situations where there are no teachers.

Areas for further research

Areas for further research

We invite researchers to Contact us on editorialteam@meshguides.org so that we can consider including their research in this MESHGuide. We particularly invite research into how teachers can identify children’s barriers to learning of key concepts in mathematics and what interventions help children overcome these barriers.


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