Pedagogy in Further Education and Vocational Teacher Education Evidence Definitions, background and scope Key pedagogical themes Examples from research Examples from research Strength of Evidence Transferability Editor's Comments |
Online CommunitiesThe European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) promotes practice-based research on learning issues in the context of initial, formal, lifelong and organisational learning. Are you interested in our conferences and research activities? Do you wish to join one of the EAPRIL Clouds? Or do you want to meet with researchers from all over the world? Includes online communities which are very relevant to teacher education at: https://eapril.org/ The Association for Teacher Education in Europe Research and Development Communities (not just online) The R&D Communities are the heart of the association. The teacher educators from all over Europe and beyond meet, exchange and co-operate. The RDCs are open to members and non-members. Twitter accounts There are a number of useful twitter accounts which are worth following: Jim Crawley @teachology; The Association of Teacher Educators @AssocTeacherEd; The Association for Teacher Education in Europe @ATEE_Brussels The Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) @UCET_UK To keep in touch with other developments, please register to join the MESHConnect general online community. https://khub.net/group/connect-ed |