Educational Audiology

Joy Rosenberg and Katy Mitchell | View as single page | Feedback/Impact

Hearing Aids

In 2014, as the British Academy of Audiology began the process of developing a greater recognition of Educational Audiologists which eventually led to their professional registration, the chair of the British Educational Audiology Association was invited to present to the conference of the British Academy of Audiology. His presentation highlighted the seven role areas of the Educational Audiologist including hearing aids and educational assessments.  These topics were representative of the expertise on two sides of the bridge - one (hearing aids) very familiar to the audiologist conference listeners and another (educational assessments) very familiar to educational audiologists who could help link the information to clinical judgements about hearing aids. 

Bone Conduction Hearing Instruments as one type of hearing aid, were explored  by Dr Imran Mulla et al Audiology Lead for Education, and co-researchers in terms of young people’s connectivity.  He concluded that ‘when young people were provided with the correct support and advocacy on incorporating wireless devices with their existing hearing technologies, this can help them to take ownership for their listening in everyday situations.’ DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29250.07362.