UK Course Structure and PlacementThe postgraduate qualification is usually delivered by blended learning in part at Mary Hare’s campus. It is a two year part-time Post Graduate Diploma in Deaf Education Studies (Educational Audiology) which can be topped up with a third year dissertation to an MSc in Educational Audiology. The intake to this distance-learning course is biennial.

Entry requirements
A first degree (normally) or equivalent professional qualification is needed to apply along with Disclosure and Barring service (DBS) clearance and two references, and evidence of work with child and young people who are deaf.
The course includes the following modules:
Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear
Speech Acoustics
Educational Audiology in Context
Clinical Audiology
Developing Communication – Listening, language and Speech
Family Friendly and Multi-Agency Working
Whole Case Management
Research Methods and Dissertation
Stand alone modules
Individual stand-alone modules, can be studied at Mary Hare in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire. These are highly beneficial for anyone working with deaf children as part of continuing professional development and/or for those exploring the possibility of a career as an Educational Audiologist and taking the Post Graduate qualification. The learning objectives of modules have been mapped to the British Academy of Audiology Higher Training Scheme.
Interprofessional Education
A pilot study in interprofessional education with clinicians has received excellent feedback, as can be seen in the following articles and conference poster which also feature the stand-alone module options:
Practical Education
In the United Kingdom, an essential part of the training to become an Educational Audiologist is work-based experience. The work can take place in a variety of settings including National Health Service (NHS) paediatric audiology clinics and education settings, such as schools and nurseries, where the Educational Audiology role is supervised by experienced practitioners.
Learning Teaching and Student Experience is outlined in this 2016 BATOD magazine article Adding Value: Becoming an Educational Audiologist.
In the United States of America, the value of work experience in training impacts on the potential of job burnout for educational audiologists according to Blood et al (2007) who used a standardised inventory with 361 participants which they hope informed training programs in relation to retention and recruitment.